June 28, 2025

On June 28, 2025, a Forum will be launched to discuss political economy of law issues of interest within the BRICS+ area. Together with it, the IUC will hold its first Alumni & Friends Reunion.
This will be the first of a series of annual meetings. The 2026 Forum will be held at Lanzhou University, Gansu, China.
Each BRICS country’s legal system will be surveyed in context in a comparative political economy of law perspective, from different viewpoints:

The recent political evolution of each country, including a presentation of the main political figures or parties determining policy.
The legal system of each country with special focus on the sources of law, and the different institutional players with special focus on the ratio of power among them.
The international-law commitments of each country, including the main organizations - like IMF or WB - in which a country takes part.
The foreign debt or credit of the country, including the composition of its GDP.

This is a first list of scholars that will contribute to the 2025 Forum:
China: Liu Guanghua
India: Avi Singh
Russia: Dimitry Dozhdev
Brazil: Rafael Zanatta
South Africa: Christina Mosalagae
Ethiopia: Altayesh Taddese Terefe, Asress Adimi Gikay, Kiya Tsegaye Lemessa
Iran: Hamidreza Asimi
The Forum Advisory Board is composed by Profs Ugo Mattei (Torino), Liu Guanghua (Lanzhou), Avi Singh (New Delhi), Talha Syed (Berkeley), Nora McKeon (IUC), and Leopold Specht (Vienna), with coordination by Giuseppe Mastruzzo (IUC) and Emanuele Ariano (IUC)
