2025 PhD Preparatory Program
The PPP curriculum comprises of a wide range of courses - some of them are listed below: PPP students need to complete a minimum of 57 credits as taught modules.

Academic & Legal Research & Writing (Christina Mosalagae, 24 hours, 4 credits)
This introductory course is designed for students coming from a broad range of disciplines, to make them able to effectively locate, understand, and apply legal research materials. Three are the main components: understanding English legal terminology; writing in a persuasive and effective way; and a special focus on the term-specific IUC courses.
Theories of Institutions (Petar Bojanić, 24 hours, 4 credits)
This course examines the main attempts at defining and thematizing the institution in Western thought. We will examine various schools of thought and fields of knowledge where sketches of ‘theories of institutionalization’, as well as ‘theories of the institution’ appear.
At the beginning of the 20th century, ‘institutionalist’ theories of law (M. Hauriou, S. Romano, C.Schmitt) drew attention to the institutional dimension of legal phenomena and underscored the importance of analyzing relations of right within judicial institutions (the Rechts institute of Savigny), regarding both public and private rights. An interest in the institutional approach of social phenomena was renewed thanks to the work of P.Winch (The Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy), and more recently, the analyses of ‘the construction of social reality’ by R. Searle, and the ensuing debates (Barry Smith, Ian Hacking, V. Descombes, P. Livet, R. Ogien and others). From a different point of view, A. Honneth has recently drawn attention to the importance of social institutions as the conditions of realization of individual and collective freedom (Das Recht der Freiheit). Beyond the given philosophical differences (‘realism’ or ‘anti realism’), it is important to evaluate the state of current scholarship regarding the institution, from the threefold standpoint of social ontology, philosophy of law, and social and political philosophy (using both a systematic, as well as a historical approach in these examinations), and to envision the paths further reflection on the subject could follow.
The method of instruction will be comprised of both more formal lecturing, and class discussions on an on-going basis: self-learning (individual research by students); class discussion, with denunciation and alternatives for problem solving. Grading will be based both on formal tests and on class participation.
A Critical Approach to Food Governance: Institutions, Actors, Paradigms, and Power
(Nora McKeon, 24 hours, 4 credits)
Food governance is a key area of investigation to better understand the actors and interests at play in today’s globalized and financialized world in which food and natural resources constitute a central terrain of conflict. The module will offer an analytical and differentiated overview of global and local food systems, their impacts on food security and social and ecological sustainability, the institutions and modes of governance with which they interact, and the challenges they face today. It is intended to stimulate an understanding of the interrelations among a range of topics addressed in the Masters and a critical engagement with the issues posed and the evidence presented.
The module will start with an introduction to the history of food governance. The aim will be to place approaches to organizing food provisioning in the contexts in which they have developed in order to guard against their ‘naturalization’ and understand them, instead, as the products of specific time-bound economic, social, cultural, political, and ecological conjunctures. It will then contrast two contemporary approaches to food provisioning and their governance implications: global corporate supply chains (dominant in structural and discursive terms) and territorially embedded food ‘webs’ (often termed ‘alternative’ despite the fact that they account for some 80% of the food consumed world-wide). Key questions will be raised regarding the two approaches such as: who holds power? who derives benefits? how do they measure up to important challenges the world faces today?
The module will then shift from structural to discursive power. It will introduce students to crucial vocabulary, thoughts and ideas that represent the building blocks of discussions around the food regime, stimulating them to develop a capacity to critically ‘read between the lines’. It will examine how discursive power is wielded to affect changes (or defend against them) in paradigms and norms. Important paradigms that are relevant to food governance will be reviewed, such as productivity/modernity, the ‘free’ market, food security, the right to food, and food sovereignty. The pitfalls and potentials of ‘evidence-based policy’ will be discussed, along with the paradigmatic and evidence/knowledge generation requirements for building transformative public policy.
The module will then address one of the key problematic areas in governance today, that of corporate power in governance arena, exercised through multistakeholder platforms, public private partnerships and private regulatory mechanisms. Issues pertaining to the theory and practice of inclusive and democratic public policy spaces will be reviewed, such as representation, legitimacy, accountability, deliberative capacity. The module will introduce students to the highly innovative human rights-based Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the only global policy forum in which organizations representing sectors of the population most directly affected by the decisions under discussion are full participants on the same footing as governments. The module will discuss the challenges the CFS faces as it moves into its 10th year of operations. It will conclude with reflections on entry points and requirements for multi-sector and transcalar governance that promotes transitions towards more sustainable and equitable food systems.
Comparative Law & Economics of Taxation (Nicola Sartori, 24 hours, 4 credits)
Taxes are an important part of the economic environment. With globalization and the expansion of cross-border investment flows, taxes play an important role in the political and decision-making processes. Therefore, this course aims to provide students with the ability to analyze the differences of different tax systems around the world and to understand the underlying political considerations. This course offers a comparative analysis of the various solutions that have been adopted by different tax systems in response to the growing common tax problems of their tax systems. First, the common core of the tax systems of industrialized countries will be identified in relation to the basic tax problems. Second, different tax models (and their circulation) in different countries will be analyzed. Finally, special attention will be paid to the United States and Italian tax mechanisms for the resolution of the tax problems discussed above.
Taxation and sustainable development (Altayesh Terefe, 18 hours, 3 credits)
Part 1: Why is tax important for sustainable development?
The relationship between tax and sustainable development goals (SDGs)
The governance dividend of taxation – i.e., good governance
Taxing trends in developing countries and financing gaps
Part 2: Evolution of the understanding of tax and development
The role of taxation in development during the structural adjustment era vis-a-vis post 2008/09 global financial crisis
The global financial architecture and the taxing rights of developing countries
Main actors and competing interests – the United Nations and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Part 3: Contemporary topics in tax and development
Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), the taxation of the digitalised economy, and the two pillar solutions
Tax related illicit financial flows (IFFs)
Part 4: Taxing the wealthy
What is the revenue potential of wealth taxation?
Does property taxation capture the wealth of the rich?
The political economy of taxing the wealthy
Part 5: Tax and gender
What is the link between taxation and gender equality?
What are the current initiatives working to improve the gender impact of tax systems?
The course introduces students to the link between taxation and sustainable development; the challenges development countries face regarding domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM); the impact of the international tax system and financial architecture on the taxing rights of developing countries; current discussions from the tax and development arena and some selected topics. The role of public finance in the development agenda of countries has been receiving increased traction in the past decades putting domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) at the centre of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Although developing countries obtain a significant share of their development finance from domestic sources, their tax collection rate stands at about half of that of developed countries which makes improved DRM a critical aspect of development discussions. Accordingly to the United Nations (UN), fiscal policies play a critical role in promoting different aspects of sustainable development, including the reduction of income inequality, both through progressive tax policy instruments as well as by using proceeds of taxes to finance basic public services, such as education and health.
Alongside domestic policy and enforcement issues, the international tax system is one notable factor affecting the taxing rights of developing country governments. The international tax system facilitates, among others, tax avoidance and evasion by transnational companies and wealthy individuals leading to significant revenue loss. Further, the evolution of the international system for the taxation of trans-border economic activities over the past century, some argue, was designed by richer and capital-exporting countries to advance their own interests. To address these and other challenges, various domestic, regional, and international actors operate in the tax and development arena and advocate for different reform measures. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations (UN) are among the key players, arguably, pushing the interests of developed and developing countries, respectively.
The engagement of these actors on the fight to create a fair, equitable, transparent, and accountable tax – domestic and global – systems cover a range of topics. Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) caused by multinational corporations (MNCs), the taxation of the digitalised economy, and the recent two pillar solutions are some contemporary issues of high interest. Tax related illicit financial flows and its negative effect on tax systems also attracts the work of many national, regional, and international actors. Within the scope of the equitability of tax systems, the taxation of wealthy individuals is receiving increased attention, especially, from advocacy-based NGOs. Beyond fairness and equity, such tax base can bring significant revenue towards the closure of the financing gap experienced by developing countries. Equitability further crosses boarders with the topic of gender. The interaction between tax and gender has long been removed from the tax and development discussion with recent realisation from the sector on the need to adopt a gender lens in tax policymaking and enforcement.
- International & European Migration Law (Ulrich Stege, 24 hours, 4 credits)
- Migration Law in Practice (Maurizio Veglio, 18 hours, 3 credits)
The Clinical Legal Education program at the IUC develops and supports an evolving offer of legal clinics. Clinical students will offer from pro bono legal advice for asylum seekers and migrants to strategic litigation, down to research and advocacy activities in the field of migration, all of which contribute to a set of positive learning and social outcomes.
The Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione [Association for Legal Studies on Migration] (ASGI) contributes to the clinic with its affiliated and specialized lawyers through advising, supporting and supervising clinical activities at all stages. The clinic involves a partial component of external placements, where students intern at the legal aid offices (sportello assistenza immigrati) of Italian trade unions and local non-profit organizations working in the field of migration in Turin, including the offices of the Camera del Lavoro di Torino (CGIL), Confederazione Unitaria di Base (CUB), Unione Sindacale di Base (USB), Ufficio per la Pastorale dei Migranti and Gruppo Abele. The Clinic also co-operates with research institutes, like the Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di Ricerche sull’Immigrazione (FIERI) and local, European and international organisation, such as the European Network for Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE).
Foundations of Money & Finance (Aleksandar Stojanović, 24 hours, 4 ECTS)
Macroeconomic Stability & Financial Instruments (Jan Toporowski, 24 hours, 4 credits)
The objective of these courses is to provide a good understanding of key issues in macroeconomic stability and the role of money and finance in macroeconomic instability.
Financial instruments will be treated as financial innovations, examining the circumstances under which particular financial instruments have emerged to support macroeconomic stability and demonstrating the problems that arose in using these monetary and financial instruments. These problems are then shown to give rise to the next set of credit and financial innovations.
Law in a Situation of Conflict (Davide Grasso, 24 hours, 4 credits)
The course proposes a theoretical study of the emergence of institutions within society through the empirical application of descriptive and critical models. A contemporary case-study selected from the Middle Eastern context will be the Syrian Civil War. In Syria the process of erosion of the nation-state power, associated with the intertwining of subjects, criteria and sources of legitimacy on a fragmented territory has become a paradigmatic extreme of an overall tendency in the present century. This includes protagonism of para-state subjects, sometimes ideologically motivated and connected to, or dependent on, international actors. New institutional subjects have thus emerged in the Syrian context since 2012 as alternative legal frameworks in conflict with the state and its constitution. One of the efforts of these subjects is trying to obtain recognition either from the state itself or from global players.
The course will attempt to test some classical theories on the very question of how construction, deconstruction and legitimation of institutional entities take place by analyzing the process of birth, development and transformation of such institutions. Formal lectures will alternate with class discussion addressing two fundamental points: how normative action is to be understood (L. Wittgenstein, S. Kripke, J.R. Searle) and which relationship it has with brute power and violence (H. Arendt, M. Foucault, J. Derrida).
Foundations of the Comparative Approach (Günter Frankenberg, 12 hours, 2 credits)
Laws neither fall ‘from heaven’ as lawmakers’ ingenious insights nor grow organically from the soil of local culture. While brilliant ideas and context are crucial for the construction of laws, they may be more adequately understood as products of the confluence of information – some local, some that have travelled from elsewhere.
The course will focus on how legal information travels – or as it is described here: how it is transferred. The concept of transfer is meant to make comparatists sensitive to the different ways legal items, such as rights and values, organizational provisions and doctrines, are converted into standardized information and over time become products or commodities on the global or regional markets where elites, politicians, social movements, and legal consultants shop for inspirational legal ideas, ‘commanding’ constitutional models, efficient bankruptcy regulations, progressive family laws, or mechanisms to cope with corruption already tested someplace else.
Economic Theories (Ibrahim Shikaki, 24 hours, 4 credits)
The course focuses on the formation and evolution of the political economy of capitalism. This approach is partitioned in three parts:
capitalism as a system oriented towards the creation of abstract wealth through accumulation (the classical approach);
interaction based on methodological individualism and thus on the identification of economic behavior and economic relations with markets – itself this second part is subjected to a division in two strands:
the General Equilibrium strand and
the Marshallian strand;
monetary relations as expressing abstract wealth without however entailing systemic accumulation nor the existence of markets for a large class of activities (Keynes).
The course then shows how attempts to develop consistent theoretic narratives in economics ended up relying on such special cases as to make it impossible for those narratives to function as parables for actual systems, while the narrative question is deeply intertwined with policy debates.
Transnational Litigation (Avi Singh, 24 hours, 4 credits)
This course a critical perspective on the operation of private law principles in transnational public law institutions. In its critical viewpoint, it looks at principles of law and economics, including the efficiency of procedures, and their normative nature. As such, it offers a perspective on the intersection between the practice of law, the jurisprudence of law, and the political economies of law, in transnational legal fora.
The private international law concepts applied to transnational law are (1) jurisdiction, both subject matter and personal, including locus standing and conveniens non forum; (2) choice and/or conflict of law, including the concepts of extraterritoriality, immunities, and (3) remedies. These private international law concepts are studied through the context of case law of the following institutions / transnational fora – (1) International Criminal Courts (2) Bilateral Investment Treaty Arbitration (3) International Court of Justice / European Court of Justice (4) European Court of Human Rights / Other Regional Human Rights For a (5) Sanctions Regime (6) World Trade Organisation. In studying these case laws, the critical aspect of each institution is studied. Which rights are being created internationally through Bilateral Investment Treaties? Does the World Trade Organisation allow countries to challenge domestic policies in international fora? Does Bilateral Investment Treaty privilege investors with rights they do not possess in domestic laws, without any corresponding liabilities? What are the rights of those whose human rights under international law have been violated? What are their remedies? Are the rights in international criminal law institutions vested in victims or the international community? Through these international legal fora, rights have been created transnationally. The procedure and practice of these institutions, through legal principles, allow us to parse these rights, the remedies offered for a violation of the rights, and the normative arguments offered in favour of these institutions.
The corporation as a transnational creature is studied through reference to its rights across countries, and jurisprudence of bilateral investment treaties as well as the International Court of Justice. Sovereignty is the supposed lynchpin of public international law. It is the Westphalian system’s enduring legacy—nominally equal states dealing with each other as equals. The legal regime is in fact starkly different. It is the subject of transnational law as much as it is an object of it, and a principle in it.
The global politics of intellectual property (Maurizio Borghi, 18 hours, 3 credits)
One of the defining elements of today’s international economic order, as shaped by the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) three decades ago, is the definition of global rules governing the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. These rules are integral components of a strategic agenda, primarily led by the USA with the backing of the EU, aimed at extending hegemonic dominance over nations in the global South. They represent a deliberate effort to influence economic and legal structures on an international scale, often favouring unilaterally the interests of powerful corporations at the expense of economic realities of less affluent areas of the world. Of particular concern in this context are the matters surrounding the aggressive use of patents in pharmaceuticals, biotech and agriculture, the enforcement of strict copyright standards within scientific and cultural domains, and the strengthening of trade secrets across various technological sectors.
In this course, we will develop a critical analysis of the global intellectual property order, determined through a network of multilateral treaties, bilateral free-trade agreements (FTA) and unilateral measures such as trade sanctions and retaliation. The discussion will commence by tracing the historical process that culminated in the present legal framework – spanning from the late 19th-century treaties such as the Paris and Berne Conventions to the TRIPS Agreement of 1994 and beyond. It will then move into an examination of the consequences, on one hand, of the rise of forms of information capitalism marked by the dominance of “big tech” and “big pharma”, and, on the other hand, of the emergence of a new multipolar world order that challenges the hegemony and influence of Western powers. Finally, the discussion will delve into the changing role of intellectual property in relation to “data colonialism”, a phenomenon emerging as a consequence of data-driven capitalism and advancements in so-called artificial intelligence.
The Political Economy of Rural-Urban Divides (Dashiell Anderson, 6 hours, 1 credit)
The goal of this course is to introduce students to a conceptual framework for understanding how and why rural and urban areas develop in the ways they do. The course material offers interdisciplinary perspectives on the essential differences in economic, political, and social life between rural and urban areas, paying keen attention to how these differences are created and facilitated within the broader system of capitalist development. In a world in which rural-urban divides have continually manifested themselves in the form of political polarity, which has further driven the threat of fascism and authoritarian populism across the world, this course begins to ask important questions about why it is that rural and urban people are increasingly at odds against each other in the sphere of economics and politics alike. Students will be introduced to the key theoretical debates about how and why rural-urban divides are accentuated alongside the historical and global process of capital accumulation. Considering alternative perspectives on rural economics and the role of rural labor, this course allows students to consider multiple different perspectives about the role of rurality in an increasingly urbanized global economic system.